Tens Of Thousands Protest Inaction On Climate

September 20, 2019 2:44 pm

NEW YORK (AP) – Tens of thousands of mostly young people have overflowed a New York City square as U.S. activists join a wave of climate change protests unfolding around the world.  Demonstrators rallied Friday with signs bearing such messages as “climate change is real” and “protect the earth, not the corporations.” Then the group began marching through lower Manhattan  streets.  New York City public schools say student absences for the climate strike will be excused, if the students have parental permission.  Thirteen-year-old protester Pearl Seidman says she’s  there with a message for President Donald Trump’s administration: “If they can’t be adults, we’re going to be adults. Because someone needs to do it.”  Trump announced in 2017 he was withdrawing the United States from the international Paris agreement to fight global warming.