First Friday Of Each Month — Washington Health & Welfare Council

The Washington Health & Welfare Council will hold their meetings the first Friday of each month. Each meeting begins at 9 am and will be held at the Blueprints Large Conference room located at 150 W. Beau Street in Suite 408. No need to RSVP. Coffee, water and donuts will be provided. For more information, email The meeting on March 7 will be a field trip to the LeMoyne Community Center.

Now Through February 21 — Penguins Raffle

JFK is raffling off a night in a luxury box to watch the Pittsburgh Penguins play the Boston Bruins on March 1. Each ticket cost $20. The winning ticket includes 12 tickets, 3 parking passes, food and non-alcoholic beverages. The drawing will be on February 21 at 7 pm. Tickets are being sold at the JFK School Office. The winning numbers with be drawn as the PA Lottery Evening  Pick 3.


Now Through March 9 — Washington Youth Baseball Sign Ups

Washington Youth Baseball, the area’s Pony affiliated organization, is currently registering youth thru March 9 for the spring season. Trinity, Washington and surrounding school district youth ages 4 through 18 are eligible. All games are played at Washington Park. For more information and registration, Click Here


February 20 — Genealogy for Beginners

A gentle introduction to family tree research that does NOT use internet resources. Perfect for the cyber-challenged and the technophobes among us! It certainly IS possible to develop a simple family tree using traditional (non-computer) methods using materials that you may already have at home, and recourse in the local community. This class will show you hoe. The fundamental elements of family tree research are explained and different types of records demonstrated. Participants receive basic family tree charts to organize their research. The class is being held by Citizens Library on Thursday, February 20 from 2 pm till 4 pm. The class is being presented by Donna Edwards-Jordan. Please register by calling 724-222-2400 or by Clicking Here


February 22 — Spaghetti Dinner

The Avery United Methodist Church is hosting a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, February 22 from 4 pm till 7 pm. Adults cost $10 and children 12 and under cost $5. Eat in and take out are available. The dinner will benefit the family of Eric Burdett. 


February 27 — Blood Drive

The Citizen Library and Vitalant are hosting a blood drive on Thursday, February 27 from noon till 5 pm at the library, 55 S. College Street, Washington. You can sing up by calling 877-258-4825 or by Clicking Here and using code 100559994 for the library’s location. 


March 1 — Cash Bash

The Brownson House and Vernon C. Neal Sportsplex is hosting a cash bash on Saturday, March 1 at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Doors open at 5 pm. Food will be available until 7:30 pm. There is a $30 donation and must be 21 years old to attend. There will be Kind Tuts, Basket Raffle, 50/50 and more! Benefits the Brownson House and Vernon C. Neal Sportsplex. Click Here


March 2 — Purse Bingo

JFK is hosting a purse bingo on Sunday, March 2 at the IF Church Hall. Doors open at 1:30 pm and bingo begins at 2:30 pm. Single tickets cost $30 and a table of 8 cost $200. There will be raffle and a door prize. Light refreshments will be provided. Tickets are available in the JFK school office or IC Rectory. 


March 4 — Pancake Day Dinner

This year, First United Methodist Church of Washington, corner of College & Beau Streets, Washington, plans on recognizing the special day of “Pancake Day” by hosting a dinner.  First Church hopes the Washington Community will join this pancake dinner celebration and time of festive fellowship on Tuesday, March 4th. Pancakes will be server between 5 pm and 6:30 pm. Tickets will not be required or sold, but those attending are free to donate to the Church Building Service Fund. Bring Family and Friends and Join “Pancake Day” at the First Church Washington. 


March 7 - 16 — Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show

The Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show is happening through March 7 to 16 at the Pittsburgh Convention Center Downtown. See, touch, try and buy what’s new from more than 1,200 exhibits and also meet experts who can explain, assist, demonstrate and answer questions. There will also be special guest during the weekends of the show. Click Here


March 12 — Colorectal Cancer Awareness

UPMC Hillman Cancer Center’s Office of Community Outreach and Engagement presents Colorectal Cancer Awareness education. The event will take place at Citizens Library, 55 S College Street, Washington. On Wednesday, March 12 at 5:30 pm. UPMC Hillman experts will discuss risk factors, prevention, early detection and screening. Click Here


March 13 — Rachel Carson Program

The Citizen Library on 55 S College Street, Washington is hosting the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania. They will be discussing Rachel Carson’s Life as a writer, environmentalist and her connection to our area. Click Here
