Two Homes Destroyed After New Eagle Fire

September 15, 2022 1:17 am

NEW EAGLE, Pa. (WPXI) — A Washington County couple is starting over after a fire destroyed their home of 30 years. Carole Leach and her husband lived along Wood Street in New Eagle. The Leaches own two houses next door to each other. One of them is unoccupied and that’s the home that caught fire first. New Eagle Fire Chief Paul Pro says the homeowner was burning weeds with a torch and went inside and that is when the blaze started. Witnesses at the scene say the first house was completely engulfed by flames. Nearby homes were also damaged by the heat from the fire.  The unoccupied house had no utilities and was primarily used for storage and recreation. That home burned to the ground. The other home will be condemned and demolished. Chief Pro says eight departments and 60 firefighters were needed to fight the blaze. The Red Cross is helping and the Leach family says they are working on a fundraiser for the couple. (Photo:  WPXI)