Home Had Hot Water Tank Issues Before Explosion

August 15, 2023 4:56 am

PLUM BOROUGH, Pa. — (WPXI) – Two Plum Borough employees died when a house exploded on Saturday. Sources tell our news partners at WPXI that Michael Thomas, the borough manager, lived one home over from where the explosion happened, but he was inside the home that exploded at the time. Heather Oravitz, community development director for the borough, lived in the house that exploded and was killed, the mayor confirms. Her husband remains in the hospital in critical condition. Thomas’ wife, daughter and their dog were next-door at their home at the time of the explosion. His wife was able to escape through a window, his daughter was able to run out with the dog, and the two of them are physically OK after being released from the hospital. The Allegheny County Fire Marshal’s office has confirmed the house that exploded in Plum on Saturday had hot water tank issues. The tank was located in the basement of the home along Rustic Ridge Drive. The fire marshal said in an update that they will investigate that information, as well as any other possibilities that may explain what happened.