A Call For Change At Jefferson Avenue Intersection

April 20, 2023 4:07 am

WASHINGTON, Pa. — (WPXI) – A man is recovering in the hospital after he was hit by a vehicle at an intersection many people say is dangerous for pedestrians. “I just want him home,” said Paulette Boyer, the man’s fiancée. Paulette Boyer’s fiancée is in the ICU at UPMC Presby after he was hit by a car crossing Jefferson Avenue in Washington. She says the intersection is one people commonly worry about crossing. “I was worried about crossing the street myself! He was worried about me getting hit and I was worried about him getting hit and I said ‘Be careful crossing that street’ and he got hit,” said Boyer. There is a button on the intersection for pedestrians to press for crossing but there are no actual painted lines to show a crosswalk as cars come flying off the interstate. Workers in the area say they are too afraid to cross. A young woman was hit by a car at the same spot less than a year ago. The city of Washington and PennDOT have been working on changes for several years, trying to improve it but people are asking for more. They want to see sidewalks and proper crosswalks.