Swearing-in ceremonies were held Friday morning at the Washington County Courthouse for Washington County office holders and judges. Among those taking the oath of office, Republican incumbent County Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughn, who will now replace Democrat Larry Maggi as chairman of the board. Also being sworn in today, the newest County Commissioner, Nick Sherman (pictured) who will replace Democrat Harlan Shober who lost to Sherman in the November General Election. Both Irey-Vaughn and Sherman say one of their first orders of business will be to hire a new Human Services Director. Also being sworn in Friday morning were Republican Brenda Davis who will replace Democrat Frank Scandale as Clerk of Courts; Republican Laura Hough who replaces Democrat Joy Schury Ranko as Prothonotary: Republican James Roman as Register of Wills who replaces retiring Democrat Mary Jo Poknis and Republican Tom Flickinger who will replace retiring County Treasurer, Democrat Francis King. Traci McDonald Kemp was also sworn in Friday as the county’s new Common Pleas Court Judge.