Allegheny County Council Overrides Fracking Bill Veto

July 20, 2022 4:00 am

ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pa. — (WPXI) – Allegheny County Council met in special session Tuesday night to attempt to override a veto by County Executive Rich Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald vetoed Bill 12162-22 that would have banned fracking and other industrial development in county parks. Dozens turned out for the meeting. Seventy-five citizens signed up to speak, most of who were for the override. The original ordinance was agreed to overwhelmingly, but it was not unanimous. That was before Fitzgerald’s veto. Council member at-large Sam DeMarco III called the issue political. “My issues with the ordinance remain unchanged from last month. It’s the solution to a (non)problem. No one is currently looking to frack in any of the county parks,” he said. In the end, the vote to override wasn’t close; passing 12-3. Two council members switched to “yes.”