In what was initially an injunction filed by the Washington County District Attorney, no hearing took place but 3.5 hours of negotiation provided a solution. District Attorney Gene Vittone was concerned about a move of his office to the newly acquired Caldwell Building. President Judge Katherine Emery brought the Board of Commissioners and the District Attorney together to work out a solution. Vittone was concerned about safety issues for his new location. He was satisfied that he and the commissioners were able to come to an agreement offering the same safety measures in the new building that his staff relies on in the courthouse. Solicitor Mary Lyn Drewitz, speaking for the commissioners echoed their satisfaction with the agreement emphasizing that employee safety is always a concern for the commissioners. The move is being precipitated by the assignment of new Common Pleas Judge Traci McDonald Kemp. The vacating of Vittone’s current office will set off a flurry of moves to allow McDonald Kemp to have office space in the courthouse. Timetables for all of the moves are still up in the air, But McDonald Kemp will be sworn in on August 30 as scheduled.