FINDLAY TOWNSHIP, Pa. — (WPXI) – Transportation Security Administration officers caught a man with a loaded gun in his carry-on bag at Pittsburgh International Airport’s main security checkpoint. TSA said the gun was intercepted on Sunday, Aug. 18. A man from Commodore, Indiana County, had a .38 caliber firearm loaded with six bullets in his bag, which was also packed with a gun magazine that had six more bullets. When TSA officers detected the firearm, the checkpoint lane came to a halt until the police responded and removed the carry-on bag from the X-ray machine. “We are seeing way too many guns show up at our checkpoints,” said Karen Keys-Turner, TSA’s Federal Security Director for the airport. “If you own a firearm, do not bring it to a checkpoint. If you must travel with your gun, the proper way to do it is to make sure it’s unloaded, packed in a hard-sided locked case and taken to the airline check-in counter. The airline will ensure it is transported in the belly of the aircraft.” TSA has details on how to properly travel with a firearm posted on its website. Civil penalties for bringing a weapon into a checkpoint can reach up to $15,000, depending on the specific weapon and the circumstances.