Archers Take To Parks To Cull Deer Population

September 18, 2023 5:10 am

BETHEL PARK, Pa. — (WPXI) – Archers are taking to the woods in municipal parks as part of a plan to cull the deer population. The hunt will run through January. Deer were roaming around Simmons Park on Saturday. Two archer hunters were looking for them nearby. In the same location, some parkgoers were not aware the hunt was happening because there were no signs posted. “I didn’t even know they were down here, so I’ll probably just head back to the house,” Sharon Pilewski from Bethel Park said. Police alerted residents about the archery deer hunt on its Facebook page and got mixed reactions. Some people said they believed the hunt was something that needed to be done while others felt it was horrible. According to police, the deer hunt is being organized through Suburban Wildlife Management Solutions. The volunteer archers who are taking place in the hunt had to undergo an application process and take a proficiency test. They are all licensed and authorized. Bethel Park police say there are currently seven hunters. ethel Park said the hunt is necessary to reduce the deer herd. They said the municipality has seen a 40% increase in the number of vehicle-related deer incidents. he deer meat from the hunt will be donated through Hunters Sharing the Harvest food banks located throughout Allegheny County.