WASHINGTON, Pa. — For the second time this week, a letter has been sent to the office of Governor Tom Wolf regarding the removal of Washington City Councilman Matt Staniszewski from office. This time, it comes from the councilman’s attorney with the threat of an injunction if the Governor decided to remove him. Sean Logue told WJPA in a call Friday morning that he has sent the letter to Governor Wolf, and says it would be unconstitutional to remove the councilman without a public vote. Earlier in the week, Mayor Scott Putnam and the rest of city council sent a letter to Wolf asking for him to step in to oust Staniszewski after his fourth D.U.I in late August. Council stated that they want Staniszewski to get the help he needs, but Logue claims the original letter is a political distraction in an effort to pull attention away from Putnam and the council during an election year.