Supervisors in North Strabane Township got their opportunity to go back to their normal two meeting per month schedule with their non-legislative meeting taking place on Tuesday. Prior to the supervisors meeting a Public Hearing was conducted to collect opinion on a proposed ordinance that would allow the township to collect fees and fines if anyone was found to be abusing the 9-1-1 emergency response system. The ordinance is being brought about by residents calling 9-1-1 and claiming a health issue and having first responders arrive only to help open windows, find keys or locate a television remote. Fire and Police Chiefs testified that it is an issue because they do not want to be doing something unnecessary when a real emergency arises. Action on the ordinance is pending. In departmental reports during the regular meeting, Police Chief Brian Hughes assured the public that extensive background checks, documentation from other departments and his own department and training above and beyond recommended standards make him feel comfortable that all of his officers would not commit the acts that have been brought to the nation’s attention in Minneapolis and Atlanta. Council will act on bringing back employees furloughed during the Covid-19 pandemic and will consider lifting the state of emergency declaration due to the pandemic.
Back To Normal For North Strabane Supervisors
June 17, 2020 4:03 am