Battling Despair Over Gun Deaths

January 30, 2023 4:18 am

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) – Increasingly it feels like America is at war with itself. From a triple homicide in New Orleans just days into the new year to the shooting of a Virginia teacher by a 6-year-old to a series of mass shootings in California. Simply keeping track of the shootings has become difficult, with locations and details and explanations running together into a blur of bloodshed and heartbreak. But if it might make you think America has gone numb to gun violence, Zeneta Everhart would like a word. Everhart’s then-19-year-old son survived after being shot in the neck in May when a gunman stormed into into a Buffalo supermarket. รก”I don’t think that the country is becoming numb to it, but I think that the country is frustrated,” she said. “I think that people are tired.”