Beaver County Sees Surge In Republican Voters

January 11, 2024 4:57 am

BEAVER COUNTY, Pa. — (WPXI) – With just over 100,000 voters, Beaver County historically was a solid rock built by the Democratic Party to control Pennsylvania politically. “We will continue to fight to keep our democratic congressman, democratic senators, our democratic governor, our democratic president,” said Erin Gabriel who’s the Beaver County Democratic Committee Chair. That rock has started to crumble as this blue county is turning red. “We continue to trend towards being a Republican majority as far as voter registration goes. Last November we were about 2300 voters away and we knew we had the numbers and with the demographics here in Beaver County we knew we just needed to get them to switch,” said Roman Kozak who’s the Beaver County Republican Committee Chair. For the last decade, many of the county seats were won by Republicans, but for the first time there are now nearly 200 more registered Republicans than Democrats something the Republican Party hopes to push even higher come the 2024 election.