The Beth-Center School District was unable to conduct their regular monthly meeting Monday night due to the cap on participants allowed to join the basic version of “Zoom” online meetings. Before the meeting was called to order, the maximum of 100 participants was met. At that point, Solicitor Jim Davis suggested that the board proceed with the meeting next week so that all community members could have the opportunity to participate. However, Superintendent Chris Sefcheck, was permitted to reveal their preliminary re-opening framework. He says the district will proceed with a Hybrid model due to their inability to socially distance all students. Students will be grouped into “Blue” or “Gold” groups and attend two days per week and complete online coursework three days per week. Wednesday will be utilized as a cleaning day. The other option for parents is total online learning. Sefcheck stressed that, “this is not a plan – but only a framework at this point.” The district will attempt to conduct their regular meeting next Monday online, as their agenda includes approving a 4-million-dollar tax anticipation loan to fill an over 2-million-dollar budget shortfall.
Zoom Issues Hamper Beth-Center School Board Meeting
July 28, 2020 3:54 am