Biden To Offer Health Plan ‘Public Option’ Details

July 15, 2019 10:24 am

WASHINGTON (AP) – Former Vice President Joe Biden will spend much of the coming week talking about his approach to health care.  On Monday, Biden is unveiling a plan that would add a “public option” to the 2010 health care overhaul known as “Obamacare,” with expanded coverage paid for by raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans. Biden’s almost singular focus on former President Barack Obama’s health care law has been on display recently in early voting states.  Biden hopes his positioning as Obamacare’s chief defender helps him on several fronts. It’s a  reminder of his close work alongside Obama, who remains popular among Democratic voters. And it could reinforce Biden’s pitch as a sensible centrist.  Biden’s proposal was outlined by advisers ahead of its release. It’s anchored by a “Medicare-like” plan that any American could buy on Affordable Care Act exchanges.