Boxes Of Love Distributed By City Mission

November 23, 2022 2:42 am

The City Mission distributed their “Boxes of Love” on Monday to food insecure people in Washington. The distribution began at 5:00 pm with people lining up in front of the chapel to receive their box. The boxes contained a 15 pound turkey, a box of potatoes, stuffing, a dessert and a board game. New this year to the boxes are hand made greeting cards from the students at Wylandville Elementary School in the Canon-McMillan School District. On hand to help hand out boxes were volunteers from the Pennsylvania American Water Company. Not only did PAWC offer muscle, this is the third year that they have contributed $10,000 to the 2000 Turkeys Campaign. Board members from Shepherd’s Finance were on hand. Shepherd’s Finance was responsible for the purchase of the turkeys and they made a monetary donation as well. Nearly 800 “Boxes of Love” were prepared and 300 of them were scheduled to be distributed on Monday night. Director and CEO of the City Mission, Dean Gartland said that this is a program that they became involved with several years ago and the need has only grown over the last several years. He is grateful to the volunteers and donors that helped make this holiday special for the food insecure in Washington County.