Brexit Delayed By Parliament

October 19, 2019 11:27 am

LONDON (AP) – The British government looks set to try again next week to get Parliament to back its divorce deal with the European Union, after lawmakers voted to delay the decision.
Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg says the government will seek a debate Monday on its Brexit-implementing legislation that would effectively be a vote to approve the deal.
It’s unclear whether that would be allowed under House of Commons rules against holding repeated votes on the same question. House of Commons Speaker John Bercow said he would make a ruling Monday. Lawmakers voted Saturday to withhold their approval for the Brexit deal until all legislation to implement it has been passed. In the meantime, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is required to ask the EU to delay Britain’s departure, currently scheduled for Oct. 31. Johnson is still aiming to get the deal approved by Oct. 31 so no delay is necessary.