Budget Work Continues In Canonsburg

November 8, 2022 4:26 am

Canonsburg Council is down to work on their new budget.  Borough Manager Denise Lesnock indicated that council will be conducting a budget workshop meeting on Tuesday November 8 to try and close an approximate $150,000 budget gap. Lesnock says council will be working on a set of proposals for budget trimming and fee increases to close that gap. No word was given on any tax increase. Councilwoman Tina Bails told council that fees for the pool and park pavilions will be increasing for 2023. Those fees have not been officially voted on by the parks and recreation committee so she will make those prices known at the voting meeting. The borough will also be making two parking spots available for free to allow delivery services like Door Dash and Uber Eats to pick up orders from local establishments. Those spaces will be time limited to 15 minutes before cars are ticketed. According to Mayor David Rhome, the spots are also available to citizens that wish to run in and grab their packages as well. The two spots under consideration are on West Pike Street in the vicinity of Chicco Baccello and on North Central Avenue near the Collaizzo Building. The two spaces will be on a 90 day trial. Council will vote on it at the next meeting. Council’s voting meeting will be on Monday November 14.