Canon McMillan Adopts 24-25 Calendar

February 23, 2024 4:59 am

The Canon-McMillan School Board met Thursday and began planning for the next school year. Directors adopted the school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. The first day of school is slated for August 22. The last day of school will be June 2, 2025. Christmas break will take place from December 23 through January 1. In other board activity, Director Julie Chandler (pictured) was honored by the Pennsylvania School Board Association Trust Initiative. She was chosen as one of fifteen school directors to take part in a one week international study group to tour Germany and study educational practices of German schools and make recommendations to school districts in Pennsylvania. She will travel to Bonn, Cologne and Dortmund. This is the first international study group that has been formed in cooperation with the PSBA. Chandler filled out an application, provided a biography along with a letter of interest and statement of her involvement in education. Chandler announced the honor during the meeting saying she is quite humbled to be selected.