Canon McMillan Preliminary Budget Includes Tax Hike

May 24, 2024 4:48 am

The Canon-McMillan School Board unanimously approved the Proposed Final General Fund Budget for the 2024-2025 school year in the amount of $117,163,110.00. This budget amount includes a 0.6497 tax mill increase. According to Superintendent Michael Daniels, this budget amount includes a deficit of $1,327,510.00. Daniels cautioned board members that the number they see right now may change. He said certain revenues have not been received and therefore not added into the budget. Daniels said that they will begin construction on the new Wylandville Elementary School in the upcoming year. He pointed to increased costs for special education needs for students as the main driver in the budget deficit. Daniels says that since the pandemic, facilities dealing with those concerns are full. Travel distances and employee time to transport the students to more distant areas are the biggest costs driving the deficit. The final budget will be adopted on June 27.