Canonsburg Considers CHJA Sale, Works On Budget

November 7, 2023 4:48 am

Two items took up most of the time at Canonsburg Borough Council’s agenda meeting on Monday night. The first item was discussion over the preliminary budget. Initially the budget showed a nearly $300,000 deficit. Staff did a lot of belt tightening to bring that deficit to $90,000. Council wants to examine a few line items to see if they may be able to close that gap a little more. Right now, council is entertaining a possible tax hike of one tenth to two tenths of a mill increase. Those proposed increases would raise between $55,000 and $110,000 in an effort to balance the budget. Also discussed was the possible sale of the Canonsburg-Houston Joint Authority. Council’s discussion revealed that not everyone is comfortable with making the decision this month. The Authority agreed to the sale last week. Many on council felt pressured into making a decision. Council is leaning toward tabling the issue for November so that they may better analyze the data associated with the sale.