No-Go On Sale Of Canonsburg-Houston Joint Authority

December 12, 2023 4:54 am

Monday’s voting meeting in Canonsburg was significant for residents of the borough. Two measures that will affect residents’ wallets were adopted. First, the annual budget passed by a 6-1 vote.  According to Borough Manager Denise Lesnock, the 2024 spending plan comes in at just under $6.2 million and it includes a fractional tax increase of .134 mills. That means residents will spend $13 more per $100,000 of assessed value on their homes. Council also considered the sale of the Canonsburg-Houston Joint Authority. The motion to authorize the sale died on the table due to lack of a second to the motion. That ends the prospect of the sale. The boroughs of Houston and Canonsburg jointly own the sewerage facility. Houston and the CHJA Authority both agreed to a sale. According to council president Eric Chandler,  business for sewer customers remains the same. The terms of the offer to sell were for $145 million by AQUA. It is unknown if any further sale discussions will be held. Council also recognized the longtime efforts of council members Tina Bails and Tom Lawrence. Both were presented plaques for their dedication to Canonsburg.