Canonsburg Holds Workshop On CHJA Sale

February 28, 2024 5:07 am

Canonsburg Borough Council held a public workshop to update new council members Diane Richie and Eric Miller on the details of a proposed sale of the Canonsburg Houston Joint Authority to Aqua. The basics of the sale are that Aqua would purchase the Authority for $145 million. Anticipated proceeds to Canonsburg would be in excess of $75 million. According to a presentation from PFM Financial Advisors, the proceeds of the sale could be put in a trust so the borough could benefit from the interest earned on that trust for borough operations. A sewage rate projection was shown that indicated that in 10 years, no matter who owns the sewage facility, rates would be equivalent. An item that is new to the equation is that Public Utility Commission legislation is being drawn up that would cap sales prices for purchases such as this. The danger for Canonsburg is that cap under discussion would possibly cut the sale price of the Authority in half. Only a handful of residents were on hand to participate in the meeting. The overall take away from the residents is that more information is needed and that more residents of Canonsburg need to take part in the discussion. Council President Richard Russo stated that council will discuss arranging for large scale meetings in a facility that would hold several hundred people.