Canonsburg To Host Safety Fair

August 8, 2023 4:53 am

As public safety continues to be a prominent subject, local hospitals have started to take the initiative to educate people on the importance of safety. Canonsburg hospital will be informing the public with a safety fair this Saturday, August 12th at St. Patrick’s Church in Canonsburg. During Monday’s Canonsburg Borough Council Agenda meeting, Canonsburg Mayor David Rhome shared that the fair will be held from 11 AM to 2 PM. The event is being put on through the Allegheny Health Network, and there  will be many agencies participating in the event including the Canonsburg Police Department and Fire Department. Minimal road closures are expected for the event, with potential traffic backup near the Hutchinson Avenue area that will be turned into a one way. The event is expected to have 400 to 500 people, and with a positive turnout it could lead to similar fairs in the near future.