Canton Township Couple Enter Guilty Pleas

July 28, 2023 1:51 am

A Canton Township couple who drove around road closed signs at the intersection of Routes 18 and 50 while it was under construction in Mt. Pleasant Township pleaded guilty on Thursday. John Riggle, 50 and Tonya Riggle 46 were scheduled to appear for a summary trial. To avoid trial, John Riggle pleaded to summary offenses of criminal mischief and obedience to traffic control devices. He was fined $250 total for both offenses. Tonya Riggle pleaded guilty to criminal mischief and received a $100 fine. According to the criminal complaint, the couple were on their way home on May 15 when their motorcycle became submerged in freshly poured cement after Tonya Riggle moved the road closed signs so John Riggle could pass through. More than $44,000 in damages will be paid by their insurance company. In a related case, Douglas Harlan who 4 hours earlier drove his tractor trailer through the same intersection had his case continued for 90 days. He faces felony criminal mischief and summary obedience to traffic control device charges.