Cecil Township Supervisors met Monday night and were faced with a roomful of residents that are concerned about oil and gas drilling in their township. Despite no specific voting item appearing on the agenda, nearly a dozen residents took a microphone to encourage supervisors to pass an updated ordinance that contains 2500 foot setbacks for well pads. They also want to have the process completed quickly before residents lose interest in the issue. Supervisor Chairman Tom Casciola told residents that they are working on making the ordinance better with expanded setbacks chief among the changes. He said that there is still no consensus on just what the setback distance should be. Casciola announced that on August 19, another public hearing will be held on the Oil and Gas Ordinance amendments. In other township business, supervisors approved the purchase of a new fire department pumper truck. The new truck will cost $977,882 with a $41,500 cash discount. It will be paid for primarily by fire tax funds and American Rescue Plan Act funds. Supervisors also approved $18,749 in expenditures for video surveillance and electronic access control systems for the new Public Works building.
Cecil Residents Still Pressuring Supervisors On Drilling
July 2, 2024 4:55 am