Cecil Township Supervisors intended to live stream their regular meeting Monday night but ran into technical difficulties. Township officials state that the internet was down and the meeting was unable to be viewed as a live event. During the meeting supervisors approved a township Facebook page. The Facebook page will be constructed so as to not allow public comment. Supervisor Eric Sivavec has been calling for the page for several months. Supervisor Cindy Fisher is still reluctant saying that a new township website is in the works and a Facebook page should wait to be simultaneously released. The measure passed 4-1 with Supervisor Ron Fleeher voting no. Supervisors approved an emergency declaration as it relates to the Covid-19 pandemic. Supervisors also passed a measure to allow Township Manager Don Gennuso to order appraisals for land parcels that the township is interested in for the development of a public works building. Gennuso identified the two properties as that the Cowden Property and a property on Angerer Road where a radio station facility is located.
Cecil Township Approves Facebook Page
May 5, 2020 9:52 am