Cecil Township Board Abruptly Reorganizes

July 2, 2019 3:58 am

A run of the mill Supervisors meeting in Cecil Township turned out to be anything but that on Monday night. After all of the agenda items listed had been voted on, Supervisor Frank Egizio called for the immediate reorganization of the board. In a 3-2 vote, Chairman Eric Sivavec was voted out and Vice Chair Cindy Fisher was voted the new Chairperson. The main issue causing the vote was a lawsuit filed by Supervisor Tom Casciola against the other supervisors. Casciola maintains that the Sunshine Act was violated by what he describes as the firing of environmental attorneys working with the township on the purchase of the 87 acre ABB property in Muse. Egizio is upset that he and his colleagues must defend this suit and felt the board needed to go in a different direction. In her first order of business, Fisher presided over an audience comment period that lasted over 90 minutes. The comments came from more than 60 residents of the Windsor Woods community. They are concerned about the health risks and road destruction that could come about if Range Resources is allowed to develop the Augustine well pad. Diane DiDinardi, spokesperson for the residents of Windsor Woods was quite clear in her comments letting supervisors know that they do not want fracking taking place only 1000 feet from their homes. Supervisors were not able to comment as one resident is already suing the township over this issue and the solicitor advised them that they could not say anything as the issue proceeds through the courts.