Cecil Twp Approves Development Plan

June 4, 2019 2:17 am

Cecil Township Supervisors have approved a plan put forth by Traditions of America to develop a 191 acre tract of land on Hahn Rd. The development is an age restricted development that when completed will have 352 single family detached homes. The plan will be built in seven phases and phase one was granted approval. In audience commentary after the business meeting, N. Depaoli Rd. resident Michelle Stonemark expressed her continuing concerns about a Range Resources well pad proposed 600 feet from her home. Stonemark brought to the attention of supervisors a case decided on May 31, 2019 allowing testimony from neighboring communities as pertinent evidence when considering the allowance of a gas well pad as a permitted use. The well pad in question off Depaoli Rd is the Augustine Pad and will be operated by Range Resources.