Cecil Township Supervisors met Monday evening in a live streamed format. Supervisors authorized a new 5 year contract with the Police Department for the years 2021-2025. Chairwoman Cindy Fisher in a quick review of the contract indicated that the only change to the existing contract is the annual merit increases. This contract calls for increases of 3.5% in the first 3 years and 3% in the remaining 2 years. The motion passed 4-1. Supervisor Eric Sivavec dissented complaining that he did not have time to review the contract. Fisher pointed out that he was emailed a copy of the contract on June 24. Supervisors authorized the Township Manager to obtain an appraisal for a property located on Klinger Road for the purposes of building a new Public Works complex. Supervisors also agreed with its Parks Board and authorized the cancellation of the Fall Festival. The Parks Board was concerned that all preparation would be lost if any new restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic would be instituted. The board also brought up difficulties enforcing current social distancing practices.
Cecil Twp Approves Police Contract
July 7, 2020 4:14 am