Cecil Township Delays Development Approval

August 8, 2023 4:54 am

Cecil Township Supervisors doubled down on meetings Monday night. Prior to their regular meeting, they held a public hearing on a proposed cluster home  development on the Toward property. Despite Planning Commission approval contingent on their comments, supervisors took developer NVR to task. The development is to be located in an R-1 zoning district. Supervisors, looking at the plan see it more suited as a Planned Residential Development that is not an approved use in an R-1 district. Supervisors continued the meeting. The date for further testimony will be September 5 at 5:30 pm. In other business, supervisors directed their solicitor to write a letter to the township’s solid waste collector County Hauling. Supervisors are receiving multiple complaints about the hauler regarding pick up, drivers and billing. Complaints are coming into the township and supervisors do not want to spend tax dollars addressing issues that the company should be handling. Supervisors also reminded residents that their next regular meeting will be on Tuesday September 5 because of the Labor Day holiday.