For more than 70 years, Cecil Township has been served by three distinct volunteer fire departments. On Monday, a steering committee formed in February announced to Cecil Township Supervisors that a memorandum of understanding has been signed that will combine the Lawrence #1, Muse #2 and Cecil #3 Volunteer Fire Departments into a singular organization. Votes taken at each fire department were unanimous for proceeding with the merger. According to newly appointed Fire Chief Ted Wolford, the organization will now operate with “one mission, one vision, one set of by laws and standard operating guidelines” that will best serve the residents of Cecil Township. The reason for the merger is that volunteer staff is low. This will be the best way to use current paid staff and volunteer staff to cover emergencies 24 hours a day. The department is already working with a consultant from the Pennsylvania Department of Economic Development to finalize the merger. No firm date is in place to complete the merger. The steering committee feels that about 25% of the work is done.