Cecil Township Supervisors held a fourth public hearing and revealed a brand new proposal for its oil and gas ordinance revision. This version differs radically from what had been proposed previously. Setbacks for drilling operations will be 2500 feet for protected structures, 5000 feet from schools. Gone are the zoning maps and overlay districts for possible drilling sites and finally, a waiver option to drill within the 2500 foot setback will be introduced. According to Supervisor Chairman Tom Casciola, the waiver will allow a property owner to permit drilling on their property within the 2500 foot setback as long as that property owner gets a waiver from all other property owners that would be inside that 2500 foot radius. Remaining from previous versions are sound and vibration regulations, stricter than what exist in the current ordinance. A special voting session took place just after the hearing to approve those changes and direct the solicitor to draft an ordinance to reflect those changes and to set a new public hearing date. The vote on both measures passed 3-2. Supervisors Tom Casciola, Frank Egizio and Cindy Fisher voted in favor. Supervisors Darlene Barni and Bill Ciaffoni voted against the changes. When asked for her reason for voting against the measure, Barni said “three words, illegal, exclusionary and it’s against the state law.” It is to be noted that Barni does have a business relationship with Range Resources, the dominant drilling company in Cecil Township. A new hearing date and possible vote will occur on November 4.