Cecil Twp Supervisors Debate Facebook

April 7, 2020 3:56 am

Cecil Township Supervisors spent most of their live streamed Monday night meeting debating whether to resurrect a township authorized Facebook page. An earlier rendition of a page was taken down shortly after it was crafted due to lack of control. Supervisor Eric Sivavec is the driving force behind the page saying that it would be a method to get information to township residents immediately. Supervisor Cindy Fisher has been hesitant to bring back the page because of lack of control over comments that may be made by the public that could prove to be insulting, derogatory or defaming. Assistant Manager Jacque King is currently in charge of the township website and sees the need for immediate notice for the public, but is not sure that filters cutting off comments will be totally successful. Fisher would be in favor of a page that is information only and would not allow public comment. She is looking to hold off on the Facebook page until a new township website is created later this summer. The motion died for lack of majority. The vote was 2-2 with supervisor Frank Egizio absent from the meeting.