Cecil Twp Supports New Firehouse Project

September 4, 2019 4:23 am

Improvements at several Cecil Township Volunteer Fire Departments took center stage at the Board of Supervisors Meeting Tuesday night. Supervisors signed a letter of support for a proposed new firehouse for the Cecil Township Volunteer Fire Company #3, Millers Run. That fire company is applying for a loan through the USDA Community Facilities Program. D. J. Johnson, Vice President and Building Chairperson for Volunteer Company #3 states that they are looking to build a new 7500 square foot fire station on land that the current fire station exists. The projected price could be anywhere from $1.5 to $2 million dollars. Over in Lawrence, Fire Chief William Cass asked supervisors to act as a co-signer for a loan on a new First-Out Vehicle. Cass states that he would have preferred not to get a loan, but costs rise in the amounts that the department saves each year. Because of that, a loan is the prudent thing to do. The loan will be approximately $400,000. The truck will be paid for by the department and not by the township. It will be a state of the art truck carrying emergency medical, rescue and fire suppression equipment. It is needed because Lawrence Fire and Rescue is responsible for Interstate 79 from Canonsburg to Bridgeville and the new toll road interchange will significantly increase highway traffic. Lastly, supervisors approved a measure allowing the township’s Fire Code Official to assist departments that may need assistance. He will not fight fires full time, just in times when staffing at any of the fire companies may be extremely short handed.