Chamber Holds Cyber Security Forum

October 28, 2022 2:56 am

The Washington County Chamber of Commerce sponsored its Anatomy of a Cyber Attack forum on Thursday. Experts is cyber security, cyber law and cyber insurance presented information critical to businesses and individuals in helping them prevent and if necessary, recover if they fall victim to a cyber attack. Jason Hawks, an Information Security Officer with Defy Security stepped the audience through methods that cyber criminals try to attack. His summation was that prevention was a three pronged approach of user education, technology products available and computer hygiene. Think before you click, keep software updated and frequent changing of passwords using sentences instead of words go a long way toward preventing attacks. Legally, Frank Botta from the Lynch Law Group outlined legal consequences that companies can face from a cyber attack. Financial loss is first and foremost but reputation harm and breach of legal obligations are some consequences that companies face if confidential data is breached. Will Simpson from Simpson McCrady Insurance explained that with all of the education and technology along with the proper legal expertise previously presented, cyber insurance should not be overlooked. He stated that even small companies can afford cyber insurance with policies costing only several hundred dollars each year.