Char-Houston Board Works To Set End Of Year Plans

April 21, 2020 4:19 am

In what is becoming the new norm for governing bodies, the Chartiers Houston School Board met virtually for the first time. Agenda items were routine. The school board did agree to partner with the Allegheny Health Network for a new scoreboard in the football/soccer stadium. Superintendent John George answered questions from parents about grades, last school day and graduation. George stated that grades will still be letter based and any changes will be communicated to parents. The last day of school is still up in the air. It is currently scheduled for June 5. It could run as late as June 11. George is looking for more clarity from the state to make sure students will fulfill needed requirements. The prom is scheduled for June 17. Graduation Day is still in flux. Currently it is June 5, but it could also be scheduled for July 3 or July 31. George described steps taken to overcome technology issues. He says the school district distributed nearly 100 devices, some students do lack internet coverage and hot spots were issued. Intermittent problems with Comcast’s coverage were also addressed by the technology department. Finally, George went on to compliment the teachers, cafeteria workers, and administrative staff for their hard work to get the remote learning program running. He said he could not be prouder of everyone associated with the Chartiers Houston School District.