Simultaneous press releases were sent out by the Borough of Charleroi and the Mon Valley Alliance on Friday. Both releases addressed comments spoken by former President Donald Trump while addressing a crowd at a recent campaign rally in Tucson Arizona. In the rally he likened the borough and their Haitian residents to those in Springfield, Ohio where he wrongly accused those residents of eating people’s pets. Charleroi Borough Council President Kristin Hopkins-Calcek called on Trump to halt blaming immigrants for problems and said he could have spoken about corporate greed. Charleroi just lost 300 jobs due to an Anchor Hocking plant closing and another company, Quality Pasta closing its doors, taking 80 jobs away. Jamie Colecchi, CEO of the Mon Valley Alliance says that there is a 50+ acre riverfront property along the Monongahela River with prime access to rail and Interstate 70 and Turnpike 43. He said that with an industrious work force in Charleroi, this would be a desirable property for investors to rebuild anew in Charleroi. (Photo: Charleroi Boro Facebook page)