Charleroi Censures Councilwoman

June 11, 2020 3:46 am

Charleroi Council has voted to censure one of their members.  At Wednesday’s meeting, Councilwoman Jeannine Motycki motioned to censure fellow Councilwoman, Jody Cheplic for “improper actions against a council person.”  Motycki claims that Cheplic will not leave alone the fact that Motycki has not paid the borough $250 for a training class registration fee that she failed to complete due to health issues.  Motycki claims she has the means to pay the borough, but chooses not to because she “doesn’t have to.”  Motycki says that she made the motion to censure after a right-to-know request was filed and after a host of social media posts were made about her.  In other business, council is looking into downsizing its seven-member board to five members due to a declining population and the lack of contested races within the borough.  Council also voted not to hold a fireworks display for the Fourth of July but rather hold fireworks during their Community Days celebration August 15-16, 2020.