Charleroi Council Debates Drug Arrests

April 9, 2020 3:45 am

As in other municipalities, Covid-19 caused a different look to Charleroi Borough’s Council Meeting on Wednesday night. Only 10 people were allowed to gather, and to leave room for an audience, 3 council members called in to participate and give council a full slate of members. The agenda was brief but a spirited debate arose over the effectiveness of police in battling illegal drugs. Councilman Frank Paterra was disappointed in the police report that indicated only two arrests were made last month involving illegal drugs. He questioned whether a concentrated effort was being made to fight this battle. Councilman Jerry Jericho brought out statistics of arrests made during Paterra’s term as mayor and compared them to arrests made in the last two years. The figures showed that there were about 10% more arrests made for illegal drugs in the last two years compared to Paterra’s term as mayor. Councilman Mark Alterici also pointed out that with fewer people in the borough now as opposed to the mid 2000’s, those arrests are an even greater per capita arrest record. Paterra is going to work with code enforcement, and the new chief of police in hopes that they will be able to work closely with the FBI and District Attorney in an effort  to “rid Charleroi of these parasites.”