Charleroi Council Fires Sean Logue As Solicitor

October 26, 2023 8:40 am

A change in solicitor in Charleroi Borough. In a surprise move, council on Wednesday voted to remove Sean Logue and replace him with Dennis Paluso as interim solicitor until the end of the year. According to the Mon Valley Independent, Council member Randy DiPiazza made both motions. He did so claiming that he wasn’t happy with Logue’s communications with council members. Council member Jerry Jerricho echoed that by saying he had “lost faith” in Logue. Councilmen Larry Celaschi and Joe Smith voiced their opposition to the move and voted against Logue’s ouster. DiPiazza then motioned to name former borough solicitor Dennis Paluso as interim solicitor. Celaschi, Smith and councilman Paul Pivovarnik voted against that move. Logue tells WJPA News that he is proud of the work that was done while he was there including the sale of the borough’s sewage lines that have made the borough financially solvent.