Charleroi Man Faces Trial On Drug Charges

March 24, 2023 2:30 am

A Charleroi man who faces two dozen assorted charges, most of them drug charges will face a jury trial. Donald Franks, 54 was going to accept a plea deal to avoid trial but at the last minute opted to go to trial. Franks was arrested on outstanding drug charges when he was found in a home with John Beebe of Fallowfield Township who is facing his own drug charges. Both were arrested in a drug raid of Beebeā€™s home in March of 2022. Franks faces 6 felony counts of possession with intent to deliver along with 5 conspiracy counts of the same charge. He also faces several other felony and misdemeanor charges over 5 different cases. Franks turned down a plea deal of 12-24 years in jail. According to the district attorney, if convicted at trial, he could be sentenced to 16-32 years in jail on just one of the charges. He faces four charges in one case that carry that penalty. Franks stated in court that he was not comfortable with the length of the 12 year sentence indicating that it was excessive when compared to other cases he is familiar with. He is scheduled for a May trial. Franks remains in the Washington County Jail.