Employees, retirees, and community members showed up at a rally on Friday in support of Corelle Glass plant workers who have been notified that their jobs are being moved to Lancaster, Ohio. On hand also to lend his support was Republican Senate candidate Dave McCormick who said he stood in solidarity with the plant workers. During the rally, Union vice president Daniele Byrne called for a Federal Trade Commission investigation into the transaction that saw the plant acquired by Anchor Hocking and investors Centre Lane Partners. Workers at the rally related how the plant is just like a family. They told of how their parents and grandparents worked at the 118 year old plant. Charleroi Borough Councilman Larry Celaschi pointed out the economic toll the closing of the Corelle plant and the Quality Pasta plant will have on residents. Borough Manager Joe Manning states that even though negotiations are still going on to save the plant, he and other officials are actively seeking other companies to invest in those plants and the workforce of Charleroi.