Charleroi Releases Results Of Financial/Management Study

July 16, 2020 3:56 am

The results of a state grant funded study on Charleroi Borough’s financial and management situation have been released.  At Wednesday’s recessed meeting, state officials presented the results of the Strategic Management Planning Program (STMP) financial review to council via ZOOM.  The process began in late 2018 when council had concerns over the financial situation.  At present, the findings report that the borough is in good financial shape but needs to keep a close eye on the budget moving forward.  In addition, the study calls for the hiring of a borough manager, which will be partially funded by a state grant.  Other areas of concern include: management of personnel, Charleroi Regional Police Force policies and expenses, an abundance of vacant and blighted buildings, the need for economic and community development, and the lack of borough marketing.  Council President, Mark Alterici, said he was “pleased” with the results of the study and thinks it would be “foolish” if the borough fails to follow through with the implementation of the plan.