Chartiers Township Rejects Changing Refuse Haulers

December 14, 2022 4:19 am

Chartiers Township Supervisors were greeted with an overflow crowd for their meeting Tuesday night. Approximately 300 people filled the Community Center to hear what supervisors had to say. Supervisors held the line on taxes. According to Township Manager Jodi Noble residents will not see a tax increase for the 29th consecutive year. The budget is a $11.9 million dollar spending plan that according to Noble is a needs budget and not a wants budget that includes a half million dollar road paving plan. Foremost on the minds of attendees for the meeting was what supervisors planned to do regarding bids for recycling that just might remove Downey Lemon Refuse as the refuse collector of choice for most of the township. In Chartiers Township recyclables are collected by a second contractor. Residents were in an uproar over the possibility that Lemon Refuse could be removed. Supervisors listened and rejected proposals to change refuse haulers. Bids for recycling came in over anticipated figures. Those bids were rejected and the recycling only proposals will be rebid.