Child Abuse Cases Move Forward

October 4, 2023 4:56 am

A Cokeburg Couple accused of aggravated assault of a minor are moving their cases through the courts. On Tuesday Matthew Mance, 34 and Shalee Schnore, 28 faced hearings about their present cases and previous cases. Mance had a probation revocation hearing continued as the district attorney recently presented a plea offer on that case. Mance pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and vehicular aggravated assault in 2019 and received 5 years probation. His current charges of aggravated assault of a minor violated that probation. His cases were continued November 1 to evaluate the plea offer. His co-defendant Shalee Schnore, was sentenced on an open plea to time served to 23 months for apprehension hindrance as it relates to her current case. She faces the exact same charges as Mance in the child assault case. At her hearing for that case Schnore requested a December jury trial. The couple is accused of beating a six year old child that was in their care in their home in 2022. Schnore is now free on parole, Mance remains in the Washington County Jail.