City Council Gets Updates On Programs

August 30, 2022 3:53 am

Washington City Council got departmental reports for their agenda meeting on Monday night. Parks and Recreation Director DeAnna Martin reported that the summer is winding down and Labor Day will be the last day that the pool will be open. She did report that on September 10, the pool will put on a Bark In The Park where residents will be able to bring their dogs for a swim at a cost of five dollars per dog. Portions of the proceeds will benefit the completion of the Dog Park. Martin reported that the park is about 65% complete and hopes to get closer to completion later this fall. Police Chief Dan Rush stated that the department’s demonstration period for four police body cameras is coming to a close. He and his officers are happy with the performance. Rush indicated that on three occasions a review of body cam footage found complaints against officers to be unfounded. Rush went on to say that residents should find comfort in the fact that the police force is out doing the right thing and acting in the best interest of the community. Council will meet on Thursday night to consider increases of fines for failure to file mercantile taxes and business privilege taxes. They will also look to limit parking on the east side of Forrest Avenue from East Walnut Street to Central Avenue.