Washington City Council Supports Clean & Tidy

March 5, 2024 4:47 am

Washington City Council heard public comment at their agenda meeting Monday night. One important comment was from Fern Sibert, Director of Clean and Tidy our County Inc. Fern announced several clean up dates that will occur in the area and she is looking for volunteers. On March 23 they will concentrate on roads and highway ramps. On April 20, parks and playgrounds will be the focus. She also said that she would like to possibly have a competition between city wards to see which ward could clean their area best. Finally, on May 18 the group will focus on waterway washup. Volunteers may sign up using QR Codes on flyers posted throughout the city and on the group’s Facebook page. Not only is Sibert picking up trash, she also has a cap sorting event coming up. She is looking for help to sort collected bottle caps to be packed up to be taken to be made into park benches and tables. She says that she has 7000 pounds of caps and she could use all of the help she can get. That event will be on April 6 from 9 AM until 6 PM at the Holy Trinity Church on Hewitt Avenue. Volunteer information about this event is also available on the Facebook page. In City business council will look to adopt several resolutions to apply for grants that will benefit the park comprehensive plan update and the Stone Pavilion floor rehabilitation project.