City Council Tables Awarding Trash Contract

September 15, 2023 3:00 am

Washington City Council has tabled selection of a solid waste removal contract. Council opened bids at their agenda meeting Monday night. Bids from all three contractors were submitted in totally different fashions. Council tabled a vote on the award of the contract so that they can go over exactly what each proposal entails and then decide what will serve residents best according to Mayor Scott Putnam. He also cautioned residents that a rate increase is in order, possibly in the range of 30% more than current rates. Council also received a presentation on the financial audit of the city for the year 2022. Auditors presented a sturdy audit of the city’s finances. Auditors cautioned the city to remember that payments from the American Rescue Plan Act no longer exist and not to rely on those figures for city budgeting. A truly bright spot in the audit reminded council that all things remaining the same, the city’s long term debt should be retired in 2026. Based on 2022 figures, that would return $1.6 million in spending power to the city.